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Applied Typography 27 | The 63rd N.Y. TDC Exhibition

An exhibition of the prized typography work is currently shown at TAKEO’s Kanda showroom - "MIHONCHO HONTEN" in Tokyo, held by Japan Typography Association with the cooperation of N.Y. TDC. This exhibition is divided into two phases: ‘Applied Typography 27’ from early April to mid May, and followed by ‘The 63rd N.Y. TDC Exhibition’ from late May to late June.

‘Applied Typography 27’ showcases a selected range of the excellent works that Japan Typography Association's has included in their 2017 yearbook publication, from the grand prize, best work entries to student’s work that demonstrate great examples of how typography has been put in use on visual identity, graphic, editorial, packaging, infographics, and experimental creation across various industries, such as paper company, publishing & media, newspaper, hot spring resort, restaurant, and food, for effective visual communication. It is not only an exhibition of impressive design work, but also informative for a case study on the application of fine paper in relation to the techniques of printing and paper processing.

Applied Typography 27

Date: 7th of April - 19th of May, 2017

The 63rd N.Y. TDC Exhibition

Date: 23rd of May - 23rd of June, 2017

Time: 10:00 - 19:00, Monday to Friday; close for weekend and public holidays

Place: 2F, 3-18-3, Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0054, Japan

For Further information, please visit [TAKEO] website.

△ Note: For the copyright concern and the protection of the works, when visiting the site, please kindly refrain from shooting for individual piece, close-up photography, flash and movie shooting.

日本文字排版設計年鑑 2017 作品展 | 第 63 回 N.Y. TDC

日本文字排版設計協會紐約TDC在竹尾的神田 showroom - "見本帖本店" 合辦了年度作品展示會, 匯集世界各地優秀的作品, 分為兩階段展出; 先在四月上旬到五月中旬展出「日本文字排版設計年鑑 2017 作品展」, 接著在五月下旬至六月下旬展出為期一個月的「第 63 回 N.Y. TDC 展」。

「日本文字排版設計年鑑 2017 作品展」將今年度年鑑中收錄的金賞、最佳作品及學生作品做成大幅海報展出。每件作品的介紹搭配所應用的紙材都很精彩, 不僅展現設計師在文字排版設計上的創意, 也列舉了這些作品在企業視覺識別、平面設計、排版、包裝、資訊圖表及實驗性創作中的應用。展示作品所涵蓋的產業多元, 從紙商、出版與媒體、報紙、溫泉旅館、餐廳至食品的產業案例等; 無論從創作或產業端的角度來看, 有許多能作為探討「 effective visual communication 」表現上必備的素材應用、印刷及紙加工等的細節。

日本文字排版設計年鑑 2017 作品展

日期:2017年4月7日 - 5月19日

第 63 回 N.Y. TDC

日期:2017年5月23日 - 6月23日

時間:10:00 - 19:00, 星期一至五; 週末與國定假日未開放

地點:〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-18-3

如想進一步了解相關訊息, 請見 [竹尾] 官網

△ 附註:為了智慧財產權與保護作品的考量, 請遵守參觀守則:嚴禁逐一拍攝作品、近距離地拍照、散光燈的使用與視頻錄影。




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